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Welcome to my site

The Old Coder

I'm a real per­son who made the mis­take of standing up to attorneys for a decade. It was foolish but it hap­pen­ed.

I was shy and had hid from the world for 25 years. It should have stayed that way.

But in 2012 my father Jim and one brother, Tom, sued me to get a gag order about Jim beating up my mother Grace. I said, um, no, and dealt with the cases. I won but I ended up homeless after a life­time of hard work. Things were never quiet again.

Jim used to be VP of Transamerica, and Tom was VP of Concentra, Humana, and Hanger, Inc. Another brother, Ken, runs or used to run Amazon's secret Lab126 and was the lead designer of the Kindle. There was a lot of talk about the Bible but no con­nec­tion with a God. It was legalistic. So, it was a Religious Tech Corporate Violent type of family.

These peo­ple weren't very nice but I can't say that it wasn't in­ter­est­ing.

There were echoes over the years but 2021 was the big one. I tried to do the right thing and attracted the attention of a hos­tile group. The group had access to a great deal of money. Some of the money had been stolen from Blacks and Asians and so there was going to be more.

This time, the truth wasn't going to be enough. The Courts don't care about that.

This is the last time that I do this but I have no choice but to see it through. They aren't offering me a choice. I can do phone calls, text messages, Zoom, or in-per­son meetings de­pend­ing on loc­a­tion and air travel cost.

Short for Attorneys:

An auto deal­er­ship is alleged by an ex-em­ploy­ee to have tar­get­ed minorities for fraud. I post­ed his state­ment in 2021 as well as one by a cus­tom­er. As an in­ter­est­ing note, the cus­tom­er was Fox TV's Reality P.I. years ago and a skilled P.I. pre­sent­ly in real life.

The controversial part is that the employees in­volved are Muslims. The Muslims seem to have taken control of oper­a­tions a decade ago in a law­suit which alleged that they were the ones dis­crim­in­a­ted against. The ex-em­ploy­ee has now filed the same type of law­suit against them.

I ended up with two WVROs and one de­fa­ma­tion suit against me. The cases are a year old and might have another year to go. I re­tain­ed two attorneys. One attorney had to drop out but is still in com­mun­i­ca­tion.

There is no workplace and there is no violence. A typical al­le­ga­tion is that I email­ed a “non-White” attorney when I could have writ­ten to a “White” one and that is evi­dence of racial hatred. There is more to it and I take respon­si­bil­ity where I should. However, the cases are abusive. People need to know that this can happen.

This is the town and these are the people:

* Opposing Counsel: Christine Long of Berliner-Cohen, CA SBN 199676. Chris­tine is quite a character.

* Petitioner for de­fa­ma­tion case: Henry Kha­ch­a­tur­ian. Henry is deceased but he is quite active for a dead man.
* Petitioner for WVRO #1: Fremont-Toyota auto deal­er­ship. This case is based in part on a LinkedIn photo of Kamel Sayed Hashimi.
* Petitioner for WVRO #2: Berliner-Cohen law firm. The law firm it­self is alleging threats of mass violence.

* General Manager of Fremont-Toyota: Kamal Sayed Hashimi aka “Mark” Hashimi. Sam Pawar says that Kamal Sayed uses the “Mark” name with White peo­ple and the Kamal Sayed name with Muslims.

* Respondent: Robert Kiraly
* Key witness: Sam Pawar aka Kulwant S. Pawar, ex-employee of Fremont-Toyota
* Key witness: Brian Martin, a Bay Area P.I. as well as Fox TV's former “Reality P.I.”

* Attorney for Sam Pawar: Richard Oriakhi, CA SBN 193797. Sam alleges that Richard gave him a pre-writ­ten false state­ment to sign. This seems to have been felony con­spir­acy on Chris­tine Long's part. Click here.

* Intermittent attorney for Respondent: Nabiel Ahmed, CA SBN 247397
* Attorney for Respondent: Seth Wiener, CA SBN 203747
* Registrar for Internet domains at issue: Namecheap
* Namecheap's attorney: Eugene Rome, CA SBN 232780. You can Google him.

* Foundation involved: Kha­ch­a­tur­ian Foundation. This is one of California's wealthiest non-profits.
* Church involved: Armenian Apostolic Church.
* One of the Muslim employees involved: Raffi Hashemi.

* Likely source of funds for Berliner-Cohen: Daphne Kha­ch­a­tur­ian aka Kavich and Natasha Azzam aka Kha­ch­a­tur­ian aka “Tasha Torian”. Note: S.F. Bay Area auto fraud attorneys are familiar with the Kha­cha­turian and “Torian” names.

* Female em­ploy­ee who made de­tail­ed abuse al­le­ga­tions against “Mark” Hashimi: Rachel Ghiringhelli.

Sam Pawar has stated that some of the employees at Fremont-Toyota are re­la­ted by marriage to Kamal Sayed Hashimi. However, it's be­lieved that there is no con­nec­tion between the “Hashimi” and “Hashemi” names list­ed here.

Short sketch:

This was drafted initially on Christ­mas Day 2022:

I'm a senior citizen with 45 years of data and code experience. I spent the past decade partly as a fraud detection analyst for two national chains.

In 2021, a P.I. asked me to look at a Fremont-Toyota truck pur­chase be­cause he sus­pec­ted fraud. There was no doubt that fraud had occur­red. I put the story online.

Fremont-Toyota Smelly Comments

In late 2021, an ex-em­ploy­ee of Fremont-Toyota came for­ward. He said that Muslims at the deal­er­ship targeted minorities for fraud be­cause they con­sid­er­ed minorities to be “smelly”. The EEOC had reviewed his story and it was con­sis­tent with the P.I.'s exper­ience. I put that story online too.

Fremont-Toyota filed anti-violence restraining orders against the P.I. and me shortly after that. However, I didn't learn about any cases against me until February 2022. They didn't file against the ex-em­ploy­ee because they're try­ing to pre­tend he doesn't exist.

The al­le­ga­tions against me include odd parts such as the fact that I said I'd go to the police. The law office suggested that this was a threat of violence. The cases in general imply that the P.I. and I made up stories in the hopes of inciting peo­ple to phy­si­cal­ly attack the Muslims.

In Jan­uary 2022, Fremont-Toyota and their law firm Berliner-Cohen served the P.I. with one of the ROs. I email­ed that side to make the case that they had no case. That was stupid of me.

Fremont-Toyota and Berliner-Cohen are impolite

They broke into a bank account to find me; I spoke dir­ect­ly by phone with one of the blackhats. They filed two more law­suits against me. Their pro­cess server com­mit­ted burglary and threatened a 78-year-old man. They threatened the ex-em­ploy­ee to intimidate him into retrac­ting a state­ment; he refused. They com­mit­ted actual per­jury.

In short, their feathers were ruffled and they were going to “disappear” me by any means neces­sary, legal or illegal.

Note: I wasn't even in the same County as the 78-year-old man. This was a military veteran who'd served our country with honor. He wasn't pleased to find a large angry stranger confronting him at night in a closed backyard.

I'd have shut up if they'd just asked me. However, there was no attempt at dis­cus­sion or engage­ment.

Berliner-Cohen Cases Ramadan

I re­tain­ed two attorneys for the three law­suits. The first was Muslim. We dined after dusk at Ramadan. He was faithful to the rules but said that the fast didn't make him feel well. We talked about belief and com­mit­ment.

Both attorneys seemed confident. But the first had a breakdown due to fear of losing his children in a custody case. I fired him. He said, “you're still going to work on my case, aren't you?” I did some minor work on his filings and he got access to his kids. He bought each of us a steak to cel­e­brate. That much is posi­tive.

The second attorney ended up handling all three cases. He's unusually reliable in some respects.

It didn't help that I refer­red to Chris­tine Long, lead counsel for Fremont-Toyota, as a rapist of an attorney. She took offense at that and sued me herself.

Fremont-Toyota Christmas

It's a year later. I have 10 to 15 years to live. I mostly want to live quietly and work on my books. But these peo­ple are set on smashing up my life and this might go for another year. It's harshing the mellow.

There are some odd parts to the story. I fig­ure maybe I can find a way to do some­thing with the odd parts.

Merry Christmas!

Odd parts:

The odd parts include:

* Ethnic hatred and hate speech.

A whistle-blower named Sam Pawar has alleged that a core group of Fremont-Toyota employees tar­get­ed minorities for fraud. He's stated that the employees viewed minorities as “smelly”.

The employees, Sam add­ed, made statements dir­ect­ly to him such as “Mother F*cker you can't call us brother be­cause you aren't Muslim” and “Go and com­plain to your Hindu god also and no one will help you”.

It seems impolite. It's unlike­ly that Mohammed would be fully on board with this.

Sam was pressured, he alleged, to state that he never made a state­ment to me. However, this writer has about 40 pages of text messages which prove that he did. Emails as well.

Would you like to read some of the text messages? The messages that Berliner-Cohen doesn't want you see? Here you go. They're at this link.

And would you like to see what Berliner-Cohen tried to do about the text messages? Perhaps the email at this link will be in­ter­est­ing.

* Allegations by Rachel Ghir­ing­hel­li against Mark Hashimi.

Mark Hashimi allegations

A P.I. named Brian Martin has stated that in mid-Jan­uary 2022 a Fremont-Toyota mana­ger named Rachel Ghir­ing­hel­li phoned Brian to dis­cuss a Fremont-Toyota mana­ger named Mark Hashimi. Note: Mark's legal name is be­lieved to be Kamal Sayed Hashimi.

Mark Hashimi is the most important fig­ure, from a legal per­spec­tive, at Fremont-Toyota per se.

One odd part is that Brian was under a restraining order at the time which prohibited him from contacting Rachel. Rachel phoned Brian regard­less.

Rachel Ghir­ing­hel­li, Brian said, made de­tail­ed allegations about Mark Hashimi of Fremont-Toyota engaging in offensive and/or abusive con­duct. Rachel seems to have spent half an hour talking about Mark and har­ass­ment.

This site believes that Rachel's al­le­ga­tions are false and, pending cross-exam, this site doesn't assert as a fact that they were even made. The statements made here are a para­phrase of statements made by Brian Martin.

If Rachel made false al­le­ga­tions against Mark, it wasn't a crime in the context of false al­le­ga­tions per se but Mark would have a de­fa­ma­tion case against Rachel.

To read a few text messages from Brian Martin re­la­ted to the phone call from Rachel Ghir­ing­hel­li, click here. Note: The linked PDF has been filed with the Court.

* Conspiracy to fake violations of TRO.

Fremont-Toyota Possible

If Rachel Ghiringhelli's al­le­ga­tions of abusive con­duct by Mark Hashimi were false, the motive for the al­le­ga­tions would seem to be to use the con­duct allegations against Mark to set up false al­le­ga­tions of TRO violations against P.I. Brian Martin and this writer. Attorney Chris­tine Long of Berliner-Cohen might have been in­volved but this is unproven.

A conspiracy of this nature would argu­ab­ly be a pro­se­cu­table crime.

* Witness in­tim­i­da­tion.

Sam Pawar was an ex-em­ploy­ee of Fremont-Toyota who alleged that he was directed to sign a false state­ment. Sam alleged as well that false statements and/or threats were made to him over a period of months to induce cooperation with lit­i­ga­tion against P.I. Brian Martin and this writer. This part seems to be a pos­si­ble prosecutable crime.

It's in­ter­est­ing to note that Berliner-Cohen has tried in filings to pre­tend that Sam doesn't exist. The fact that he exists is awk­ward both for the law firm and for Fremont-Toyota.

To read a re­la­ted letter from Sam Pawar, click here.

* Humorous per­jury by Mark Hashimi.

Mark Hashimi Fremont-Toyota loan fraud

Mark alleged that I'd post­ed a photo of him that I'd taken in per­son and that was “scary”. It was his LinkedIn photo. One of my attorneys did a suborn per­jury filing on that one. The Court didn't do any­thing but per­jury is a pro­se­cu­table crime.

The LinkedIn page is pasted be­low. The small image of Hashimi above or to the right is the one that I used. Judge for yourself.

Mark Hashimi lied

* Kha­ch­a­tur­ian Foundation.

A few organizations besides Fremont-Toyota seem to be con­nec­ted to the situation. One is Kha­ch­a­tur­ian Foundation. Details are at this link. This is be­lieved to be one of California's most cash-rich foundations.

Henry Khachaturian's ghost sued me

The key figures in Kha­ch­a­tur­ian Foundation are be­lieved to include the heirs of Henry Kha­ch­a­tur­ian, be­lieved to be the previous owner of Fremont-Toyota. Henry is also known as Hank Torian.

The heirs are be­lieved to include Daphne Kavich and Natasha Azzam aka Tasha Torian.

In an unusual note, Henry has ap­par­ent­ly sued me even though he's been dead sinced mid-2021. In short, Henry Khacha­turian's ghost has sued me. This is illegal as well as confusing. However, objections are only like­ly to slow down these peo­ple a bit.

Fremont-Toyota Funds

If the peo­ple behind Kha­ch­a­tur­ian Foundation own Fremont-Toyota now, it's a problem be­cause they seem to be funding one or more of the law­suits against me indirectly and these are wealthy peo­ple. Abuse of pro­cess is about who has money for attorneys. Every­thing else is “let's pretend”.

The Kha­ch­a­tur­ian Foundation is con­nec­ted, in turn, to the Armenian Apostolic Church. It seems like­ly that money flows from Fremont-Toyota to the Church by way of the Foundation. If this is true, it would include money obtained by any or all means.

Berliner-Cohen's conduct is inappropriate

Half a century ago, I had a dear friend named Peggy. She was dif­fer­ent as I am. Peggy, you were sup­posed to always be there.

Peggy had a difficult life but there was some­thing she loved above all else. It was the composer Aram Kha­ch­a­tur­ian. If the Kha­ch­a­tur­ian Foundation peo­ple are re­la­ted to the composer, I don't feel that they're worthy of the name.

* Fremont-Toyota's position on the police.

Christine Long Berliner Cohen allegations

I noticed that Berliner-Cohen had visited the initial web­sites. I said I'd talk to the police or the FBI. Chris­tine Long said that this was a threat of murderous violence. I don't under­stand.

* The “non-White” attorney.

I suggested State Bar mediation as well. Chris­tine Long said that that was ethnic hatred be­cause I'd Cc'd the suggestion to a, quote, “non-White” attorney.

Christine's logic was that I'd chosen to write to a “non-White” attorney who wasn't a partner instead of a “White” attorney who was a partner. This, she said, meant that I'd de­cid­ed to harass the “non-White” attorney be­cause of his race.

But Berliner-Cohen had refused to tell me who the partners were or who I should write to.

I don't even know the race of the attorney that I wrote to for sure. I think that he's Chinese-American. Like my sister-in-law and two of my nephews.

* The Court Orders that never existed.

Christine Long Berliner Cohen Dishonesty

Chris­tine Long stated in a filing that attorney Michael Bonetto had told her I'd violated Court Orders in the past. The problem for Chris­tine in the future State Bar com­plaint is that no orders ever even existed in Bonetto's cases other than TROs and she wasn't talking about TROs.

My father Jim broke my mother Grace's nose. Jim and my brother Tom sued me to get a gag order about it. The Court lost its patience with those cases and told the attorneys to get out. There was no finding or set­tle­ment in the Court's juris­dic­tion.

I'd guess that if the State Bar asks Michael to com­ment, he'll confirm that he didn't tell Chris­tine anything about orders that never existed. If he doesn't confirm what he knows he needs to confirm, he'll be admitting that he violated standards himself.

Long has further alleged that I'm under past ROs right now. If that is so, nobody has troubled them­selves to tell me about it. Nor has a records search turned up any such thing.

I don't have much discipline recourse at the cases level when false al­le­ga­tions are made. But if it's prima facie that Long has consciously lied in wri­ting, it might be dif­fer­ent at other levels. And these aren't the only conscious lies that Chris­tine Long has put into wri­ting.

* Neurodiverse isn't worse.

I alluded to the fact that I'm autistic and tried to speak lightly about it. For what it's worth, I don't wear a Green Lantern T-shirt the way that the Sheldon TV character does. My life doesn't have a laugh track. But I'm honest, kind, reliable, and supportive of peo­ple who need it.

Berliner-Cohen Homeless Hug

For 20 years I talked mostly to the homeless. They used to hug me. I didn't under­stand why. The rea­son was that I was able to see them. Normals don't see those who make them uncom­for­ta­ble.

Chris­tine Long responded with attempts to characterize autism as mental illness and fright­en­ing. This isn't about being a good attorney by winning cases for clients. It's about being made of hatred.

* Television P.I.s are fright­en­ing.

Christine Long says TV P.I.s are frightening

Brian Martin was a television P.I. years ago as well as a genuine P.I. If I re­mem­ber correctly, Chris­tine Long cited the fact that Brian Martin had been a television P.I. as fright­en­ing and grounds for a restraining order. Um.

Note to self: Find this one and paste exact quote here.

* The “Jihadi” issue.

In Jan­uary 2022 Brian Martin was served with an abusive restraining order. I wasn't served, myself. I email­ed Christine Long and Mark Hashimi to make the case that there was no case against Brian. I in­clud­ed the Farsi version of Surah 9:67 from the Qur'an:

“The hypocrite men and hypocrite women are all alike. They enjoin what is wrong and forbid what is right and close their hands. They've forgotten Allah, so He's forgotten them.”

I challenged Mark Hashimi dir­ect­ly as well:

“The Qur'an uses the word 'jihad' in two general contexts: the internal struggle, 'al-jihad fi sabil Allah', and the external one. The inner struggle is praiseworthy. The external one, not so much. The latter ranges from, on the mildest side, those who proselytize to, on the most dangerous side, Muslim terrorists.”

“Do you acknowledge or contest that you personally and/or those under your authority at Fremont-Toyota — as a group and not as isolated cases — are absolutely and unquestionably 'Jihadis' that fall right in the middle of the external-jihad scale?”

The part about “terrorist” is a definition from Wikipedia. Chris­tine removed the context for the quote, which I be­lieve is a vio­la­tion of evi­dence rules, and has used the word “Jihadi” ever since as a club. That email and that word are a key element of the legal cases against me.

I regret not being more careful with wording that the other side could mis­rep­re­sent. However, the point was valid: there was no case against P.I. Brian Martin. These cases and the fact that the other side might not face con­se­quen­ces for its con­duct don't seem ap­pro­priate.

There is more to it, of course. All al­le­ga­tions should be addressed. This site will tell the story from the start including the parts this page skips.

The site will include case materials and statements by the peo­ple in­volved.

Pleadings, objections, exhibits, etc., will be add­ed in due course. Exhibits will include documents from both sides.

If you'd like to help with publicity or to ask ques­tions, you can email:


Search links:

The search links be­low will usually show a few re­la­ted links. You might need to scroll down. New links might not show results for a week or two. A Muslim search engine is in­clud­ed as the cases are partly about issues of in­ter­est to Muslims.



“4 muslims” Fremont-Toyota search

“4 muslims” Mark Hashimi search





Read more:

1. Sam Pawar is a key fig­ure in the SLAPP cases. On June 08, 2022, Sam made a new al­le­ga­tion related to the cases. To read the al­le­ga­tion, click here.

2. You'll want to review Sam Pawar's orig­in­al statement at this link. It's an eye-opener.

3. Settlement discussions have been odd. To read about that part, click here.

4. This front page summarizes the story. To read the more de­tail­ed version that was filed with the Court, click here.

5. OldCoder's filed responses to some of Chris­tine Long's al­le­ga­tions are at this link.

Note: #4 and #5 were filed with the Court under penalty of per­jury for knowingly false statements.

Resources for SLAPP victims:

There really aren't any.

Every group that tries to help SLAPP victims is flooded with more requests than they can answer. However, we'll list some of the groups here in due course.

Legal note:

If legal tests are met, it's com­plete­ly legal to use a company's name or a person's name as part of a domain name whether or not you hold rights to the name. Again, taking the tests into account, it's not even a trademark vio­la­tion.

In short, domain names aren't “cyberstalking”, “cybersquatting”, “harass­ment”, “imper­son­a­tion”, or any crime in the Universe unless the definition of the crime is met. Facts do matter.

To read Wikipedia's page on ACPA, a re­la­ted U.S. law, visit the fol­low­ing link:


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