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170110 Tuesday — RSS Feed is What We Need

170110. RSS Feed is What We Need.

Mr. Meow asked for an RSS feed
Mr. Meow request we will heed
RSS feed is what we need
RSS feed is modern breed
Here you go

180617 Sunday — A Day without Fossies

I like to make use of and encourage lesser-known FOSS projects. Fossies is a good example. It's a very nice FOSS dir­ec­tory and archive run by an older Coder named Jens. The site is located at:


Jens went on vacation for about two weeks. He didn't announce his return, but I noticed that he was back. So, I sent him a Fossies Song. Here's the song followed by his re­sponse.

A day with­out Fossies
Is one of total Lossies
There is no coin to toss
Without FOSS it's a LOSS
There are many places for code
Github is one abode
But each abode lightens load
And such abode means no forbode
Code all day and all night
Code all night while sun shines bright
Sleep all day and shout hooray
Reach for a bottle of code

Jens' response:

You have a good sense and very attentive eyes: Yes, yesterday evening I and my car came after 4 weeks and 5555 kilometers from Germany to the nearly south­ern­most point of Europe (Pele­ponnes, Greece) back at home.

Your surprising poem has made me very happy!

190410 Wednesday — Rhyme Advice Offered Once and Not Twice

190410. Rhyme Advice Offered Once and Not Twice.

This is the advice that I offer­ed to Edgy McEdge on the occasion of his 19th birthday.

Years to come, in short, to sum
It's not just a job
It's adventured
Don't proceed as though indentured
Nothing adventured, nothing gained
Analysis doesn't need to be fine-grained
Too serious is like­ly insaned
In the end, nothing re­main­ed
Too light is also a plight
Strive for the right with a degree of might
But rigid is frigid and cold is not best
Find the balance that's need­ed on the quest
No advice need be heeded
But to Time all is ceded
Do what you can while you can
That's how not to be also-ran
The years will be cheers
Don't overdo the beers
Yes, there are fears
But destiny is heres
Happy Birthday to the Traveler
You'll succeed and not unraveler
121209 Sunday — Magic Ponies in the Server Clouds

121209. Magic Ponies in the Server Clouds.

<mrmeow> dream
<mrmeow> about domains
<mrmeow> falling from the sky
<OldCoder> Lots of dots
<OldCoder> Lots of coms
<mrmeow> yes
Puddles of dreams of riches
On the ground
Splash through the APIs
And the acronyms
Dreams of magic ponies
Pulling wheelbarrows of money
Down from the ser­ver clouds
<mrmeow> dropping dns servers, web servers, mail servers, vps
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Server Clouds
Server Clouds

Illustration by Jon Lock. Posted at a Deviant Art account that, as of 2020, no longer exists. License is be­lieved to permit redistribution. Attribution has been moved from the illustration it­self to this text box.

150301 Sunday — The Batches Song

150301. The Batches Song.

In 2015, I knew a data-entry per­son, Laurie, who spent hours at a time typing “batches” of data. She was overworked, so this song was writ­ten to cheer her up.

Batches are the peak
Of their merits we speak
Batches are our friends
On Batches we depends
Loads of fun
No need to point a gun
Cuddly and cute
Do not Batches shoot
Batch all day
Batch all night
Nothing is astray
In the Lord's mighty sight
Batch all day
For prices we pray
Batch all night
No need for fright
Batches are swell
Profits ring the bell
Batches are our friends
On Batches we depends
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Data Entry
170327 Monday — The Lever Language Song

170327. The Lever Language Song.

This is a song that I wrote to celebrate the creation of a new lang­uage named Lever. Lever was created by an IRC friend, Henri Tuhola aka Cheery in Finland. I think that Cheery drew the illus­tra­tion.

One reader told me that, after see­ing the song, they wanted to go and try the lang­uage. That was fun.

Lever is a language clever,
Pour a bever-
age and review. Code shall ensue.
This I tell you true
Lever Python is not
Lever is a language hot
Here is what with it you can do
You can a tasty beverage brew
Color the sky a new shade of blue
Lever has Python-isms
Similar concepts through shiny new prisms
But there are no schisms
Like Ruby and Perl, boy and girl,
the languages are friends, though it depends
Here is Lever's setup,
no need to get up,
relax and review. Details are here for you
Prepare for fun under the Finnish sun
be­cause of documentation there is a ton
Lever is a language clever,
Pour a bever-
age and review. Code shall ensue.
Lever See-Saw
120916 Sunday — Mr. Tux Says

120916. Mr. Tux Says.

Mr. Tux was one of a group of about 5 hacker kids that I knew in 2012. He was 13 at the time and the pre­tend cousin of another hacker kid named Pentium44 — who I actu­al­ly lived with a decade later.

Both boys grew up to be IT in their 20s though Pentium44 didn't manage to make steady employment out of it.

The poem be­low is a gift I gave Mr. Tux in recognition of his determination to take on every pos­si­ble developer task in the world at his age.

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Mr. Tux
Mr. Tux Says
121106 Tuesday — Daeken Forsaken

121106. Daeken Forsaken.

Daeken, also known as Cody Brocious and Serafina Brocious, is an interest­ing charac­ter.

He [now She] had a couple of moments of fame from 2010 to 2012. He/She didn't like me very much and, on Novem­ber 06, 2012, he/she chal­lenged me to some­thing simi­lar to a rap battle.

I recited the fol­low­ing piece extempor­aneous­ly. I be­lieve that this is the exact word­ing except for one line that I tweak­ed later.

The “abode API” part is a reference to Daeken's famous hotel locks hack. I think that he made it onto “60 Minutes” for that one but I'm not certain.


Daeken, since you ask
Take me to task
So bluntly and rudely
I hear a rhythm with appeal
When I write I feel
I'm singing out loud to you

The lines I write
In my sight
Are a song
If you can't accept that
Right off the bat
/IGNORE is where I belong

So chill. Whitebread Hacker
Not a Slacker
I'll admit
But a drag is sort of
What you are
Go decode an abode API sub-par

120808 Wednesday — Cooking Food

120808. Cooking Food.

This one is a favorite. It's an extemporaneous song by Loome aka Rubidiun aka Harold with minor edits by me.


I did it!
I made food
I sat up
I went to the kitchen

near the stove
I grabbed a pan
to cook food on and
I cooked food on it

I now have food, hot and ready
to be eaten
sitting near me as
I write this

I will eat it soon
when it becomes suitably cold
be­cause presently
it is too hot

I can't eat it now
I will spend the time waiting
for it to cool
by talking to you

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Cooking Food
Cooking Food
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